Blueprints for Financial Success.

With an extensive track record, we specialize in the development and implementation of pragmatic financial and accounting policies and procedures manuals. Our expertise has been instrumental in crafting and ensuring the successful adoption of these manuals for numerous large organizations across diverse industries.

Our success is evident through:

  • Practicality: Policies and procedures that are not just theoretical but are designed to work in real-world scenarios.

  • Reliable Reporting: Ensuring the trustworthiness of financial reporting.

  • Compliance: Aligning with organizational policies and regulations.

  • Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency: Enhancing day-to-day operations for maximum efficiency.

Featured Clients

Emar for Real Estate Development

Nader Group

Nuqul Group

Al-Amjad Steel Manufacturing Company

Arab Technical Group (Daikin)

Jordanian Egyptian Fajr Co. for Natural Gas

Jordan Aircraft Maintenance Co. (JORAMCO)

Jordan Valley Authority

Amin Kawar & Sons Group

Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZA)

Royal Jordanian

Arab Center for Engineering Studies

TBZ International Company

SabaFon (GSM)

Al-Othaim Commercial Group

Emar for Real Estate Development Nader Group Nuqul Group Al-Amjad Steel Manufacturing Company Arab Technical Group (Daikin) Jordanian Egyptian Fajr Co. for Natural Gas Jordan Aircraft Maintenance Co. (JORAMCO) Jordan Valley Authority Amin Kawar & Sons Group Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZA) Royal Jordanian Arab Center for Engineering Studies TBZ International Company SabaFon (GSM) Al-Othaim Commercial Group

We prioritize the formulation of policies and procedures manuals based on effective internal control systems to achieve

Reliable Information Flow

Ensuring the seamless and dependable flow of information.

Asset and Record Safeguarding

Protecting assets and critical records from risks.

Redundancy Elimination

Streamlining procedures to eliminate unnecessary redundancy.

Consistency and Operational Efficiency

Promoting uniformity and efficiency across operations.